We have started a project to analyse the landscape of evolving digital health solutions to address the current pandemic regarding the corona virus. We hope that we will be able to trigger a collaboration across countries where we can share information about:
- What are the needs in society / health care?
- What is the status of available solutions?
- How are they being assessed, expecting to see concurrent real world data usage?
We are currently looking for funding to enable to do this project with an objective to engage decision makers in the health care system to jointly work together in order to accomplish effective implementation across Europe. If your company is willing to support this, please contact us.
If you have information regarding solutions to address the corona virus, please inform us so that we can update our analysis. We do not include generic remote monitoring or tele-consultations which may be helpful in the current situation. We only include specific solutions related to the corona virus.
We have created this group on linkedin to nurture the discussion. The group is intended for decision makers in healthcare, evaluators and companies involved in developing solutions. We will only allow for constructive discussion about ways to find solutions to move the topic forward.
This is the current status of our analysis. We will update as we get new information.