With this blog post is a brief update about the pathway the Dutch Government did chose to accomplish a swift introduction of e-health in the healthcare environment. If you want to learn more, don’t miss the upcoming webinar.
Here are some key-milestones in the development:
E-health experimentation
The Dutch E-health experimentation has been initiated in 2014, including the following e-health programs:
- Remote consultation & expertise
- Tele-monitoring
- Tele-assistance
Quickly an initiative from the 8 University Medical centers (NFU) in cooperation with ZonMw from the Dutch Authority decided to capture the projects under different names due to the general impact the three programs had on all kinds of different disease management programs.
The CITRIENFund, which is founded in 2014, created the following topics:
- Do or leave (8 programs)
- E-health in care (28 Programs)
- Regional oncology (31 programs)
- Registration at the source (28 Programs)
- Navigate on quality (20 programs)
Funding for all these projects is done through this Citrienfund. The first 5 years have been ended and a lot of the innovations on e-health are named, positioned and started.
For the existing and coming projects until 2022 the Citrienfund has been given an extra 20 Million by the Government.
The NzA (The Dutch Healthcare Authority)
E-health takes a growing portion in current healthcare. The NZa encourages e-health if the healthcare will be more affordable and of better quality. To make it clearer to all parties the NzA has published the “Wegwijzer bekostiging e-Health” (roadmap funding e-health).
In the upcoming webinar we will show examples of how projects are to be reimbursed or funded in the Netherlands.