Webinar: Funding and reimbursement of E-health in Germany
28 Feb 2019, 16:00 CET

E-health is a hot topic anticipated to transform healthcare. The mechanisms to fund and pay for e-health solutions are in many countries not as developed as the traditional pathways for drugs, medical devices and hospital care. In this webinar, Dr Thomas Segeer will give an overview of the current state of funding and reimbursement of e-health in Germany. Dr Thomas Seeger (Medalliance consulting has a significant experience in the Germany health care system with hands-on experience with many different ways to establish funding and payment for innovative devices and e-health solutions.

Brief summary of Dr Seegers experience:

  • Led dozens of submissions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in all sectors of the respective healthcare systems (hospital, outpatient, home care), e.g. OPS, CHOP, NUBs, Zusatzentgelte, G-DRG and SwissDRG adaptations, MELs, Drug Ordinance (AM-RL),  MedTech Aids Ordinance, MiGeL.
  • Ensured product reimbursement for technologies and products within Germany and other EU countries.  Led the value dossier development and reimbursement strategy while supporting the application process to achieve listings.
  • Determined reimbursement strategies for novel therapies and new technologies. Work included evaluating complexity of hospital reimbursement challenges, health insurer roadblocks, then creating differing market access strategies and tools. 
  • Created the market access strategies and implementation plans for novel healthcare technologies and services. 
  • Developed value dossiers as well as business cases/ profitability analyses to support pricing strategies and supporting negotiations with health insurers and reimbursement authorities across the DACH region for various manufacturers