Funding and reimbursement of E-health in France
31 Jan 2019, 16:00 CET


E-health is a hot topic anticipated to transform healthcare. The mechanisms to fund and pay for e-health solutions are in many countries not as developed as the traditional pathways for drugs, medical devices and hospital care. France is one of the few countries who has create a specific pathway to establish reimbursement for E-health solution. In this webinar, Michel Verhasselt who has been working with this new pathway throughout the development process and then once released has been able to successfully establish reimbursement for new technologies.


Michel Verhasselt CEO and founder of Meditech Access, which he founded 2012. He holds a master's degree in business administration and health economics from the Catholic University of Lille. He has 25 years experience in the field of health economics, HTA, DRG coding and reimbursement, especially for the medical device industry, make him an expert. He conducts public affairs and market access activities for France, Belgium and Switzerland.